Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Letter to Haley

Dear Haley,

In case I don't tell you enough, I love you. I love your limitless energy. I love how you're shy and crazy. I love how hard you try to be independent, though sometimes it can be frustrating when we're trying to teach you something.

When you entered my life, you filled a space I didn't even know I had. I thought things were just fine before you were born. Now that I have you, it's pretty clear to me that you were meant to come to me and Mom.

You sure tried my patience when you were a baby. You wouldn't sleep, you puked on things, you were a lot of work. You still ARE a lot of work, but, believe it or not, I wouldn't want it any other way.

I remember one time last school year. Mom packed you a little wheel of cheese as a snack at lunch. It was small and red and you said you bit into it and thought it tasted funny. It wasn't until after school when you mentioned it to us that we realized that you ate/bit through the cheese's casing! We hadn't told you to peel it and then eat it, and you thought it was part of the cheese!

I just envision you at school, pulling the cheese from your lunch box and taking a bite. I see you being confused, but just continuing to eat it, not thinking anything about it. And it's times like that that I just love you so much. You are so bright and smart and thoughtful, but you are still my baby and Mommy and I still need to show you the way.

I hope that Christmas morning brings you everything you ever wanted. I hope it brings me more patience to be your father. You are growing every day and I cannot lose sight of that. I need to allow you the room to grow and be your own person. Stop, breathe, think. That's what I need to do sometimes.

Haley S., you're the best. I love you lots and lots.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Haley's letter

Haley's letter

Der (1102)
Yoy ru the
bst cls
ekvr I lvu
you eire
By Haley

Dear Room 1102
You are the
best class
ever I love
you guys
By Haley

She wrote this for her classroom the other day. I thought it was pretty cute.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rough week for Haley

Haley had a rough week this week. School started (2 weeks late!), she attended a funeral for her grandfather, her cousins were all in town, her parents have been sad (see funeral), and she's been exhausted.

She got some sleep last night, going to bed about 8 and waking about 7:45 this morning. So far she seems to be doing well, but, we'll see how the rest of the day turns out.