Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

All alone

All alone
Originally uploaded by gwonchang
Haley loves ice skating. Here she is, taking a break.

Monday, November 23, 2009

10 funny things about Hay

After Halloween
  1. Haley has lost about 4 teeth in the past few weeks. Her mouth looks like the proverbial picket fence.
  2. She has a really math oriented brain. It's kind of cool. The concepts she's learning at school are tricky and she seems to know them quite well.
  3. She is stubbornly independent and I am learning how to deal with that.
  4. She is a Girl Scout Brownie and loves it. The timing is tough (late on Monday nights) but she looks forward to it every time.
  5. As seen in the photo above, Haley's fall/winter style is a long sleeve under a short sleeve with jeans.
  6. Haley does not like to let anyone brush her hair but herself. She won't even let me run my fingers through her hair.
  7. She is learning to love reading. We've been hitting the public library a lot recently and she just loves it.
  8. I think she's part deaf. At night, she'll have a CD on and it's so loud, we can hear it down the hall. But if we turn it down just a little, she complains that she can't hear it.
  9. She loves fruit and vegetables. Definitely her mother's daughter.
  10. She has very floppy fingers and hands. It's kind of strange.
  11. Bonus: she is SUPER TICKLISH. Once she learns how to tickle back, I'm in trouble.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

What's different?

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hay and Dad

Haley did great seeing Dad today. In fact, after about 10 minutes of us being there and getting ready to go, she said she didn't want to leave yet. She just liked being there with him and us. It was sweet.

Yay Hay!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's a Haley update!

Haley's in 2nd grade now and things are moving along nicely. No strike this year, no death in the family, so far so good.

Today we're going to go see Dad for the 1 year anniversary of his death. Haley knows about it but I don't think she knows today is the day. She still has a hard time talking about her grandfather's passing. She won't let us put a picture of him and her in her room because it makes her sad.

I think she's having a good time at school. Her friend Helen is in her class and they are a very good match for each other. It's a lot of fun being here to talk about what she's learned for the day (as opposed to when I'm working and don't see her until dinner time). She still has her moody moments, but we're working with a counselor to try to make our avenues of communication better.

I perused through this blog for a few minutes and realized that I hadn't posted much at all for her, so I hope to be able to remedy that in the future.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Haley's 7th at home

American Girl Ivy. Pure joy!
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Haley's 7th Birthday in Florida

Some of the things Haley did on her 7th birthday:
  • Open presents.
  • Go to Epcot.
  • Have lunch with Belle, Cinderella, Aurora, Snow White and Ariel.
  • Go to Hollywood Studios.
  • See a High School Musical 3 show, featuring Dad as Dancin' Fool.
  • Go back to Epcot and tour the nations at dusk.
Pretty memorable if you ask me!
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

We got egged!

Yesterday we went to lunch. When we got home, there was a little card stuck to our door. Looked like an Easter card. I pulled the car in the garage and Haley went to get the card. Then I heard her yell, "There's eggs all over the yard!"

Someone (we think it's the Easter bunny) came by and "egged" our house. The kids were super pumped.

Off they go!

Hands full!

I need a basket!

Checkin' the haul.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Quick pic

I came home from band practice at about 9:40. Marci said Haley should be asleep as the last time she came out was about 9:15. I guess Hay had a tough time tonight.

When I went in her room, she was out, but I saw why she had stayed up so late.

Evidently Marci gave Haley a new dry-erase pen to use with her new whiteboard we brought home from C&A.

I thought it was pretty awesome. Click on the pic to enlarge.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Haley reading

A few posts ago I noted how cool it was that Haley was reading so well now. I finally got around to shooting a short little video of her reading and here it is.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Haley's school had a fundraiser tonight. The school's classes all created artwork for people to bid on. Some moms also did some desserts to put up for auction as well.

Marci made a fishbowl cake. It was pretty awesome. She spent about 3 hours on it and here's how it looked.

On my way home from work tonight, I got a call from Marci. Evidently after finishing the cake, she went in to take a shower. When she came out, all the Nerds candy on the bottom of the cake were gone.

She asked if Riley ate them. He said no. She asked if Haley ate them. No answer. She asked again and Haley gave her standard "I'm busted" response:

"I'M SORRRRRRRY!!!!" followed by tears and hysterics.

Marci, needless to say, was quite hurt by the whole thing. Here she'd spent all day creating this beautiful cake, only to have Haley come by and mess it up a little. Luckily, she had more Nerds and was able to finish it again, but I think the bigger issue was the disappointment in Haley as we all know that Haley knows better.

When I got home, I didn't say anything to Hay because I knew she'd just freak out, but when I tried to talk to her about it later, she would just say, "I don't want to talk about it."

All in all, it was kind of funny (to me, at least), and Haley didn't have a good reason as to why she munched on all the Nerds. Marci's cake was the hit of the fundraiser and sold for about $35, I think.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

American Girl Fashion Show

Here are pictures!

Marci and Hay before the big day.

Erin, Katri and Haley and their pals.

Haley and her new friends. The little one in front of Lyla in the orange is Haley's American Girl, Molly.

Haley and Lyla, Erin's AG.

Erin was nice enough to let Hay borrow Lyla for the night. That doll has not left Haley's side all afternoon. It's pretty cute. Guess we know what Haley's getting for her birthday.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

That was really cool

Haley had a rough time reading in the beginning of the year. She'd see a sentence like:

"The cow jumped over the moon."

and she'd read:

"The cat just orange the mouse."

In other words, she'd guess at the first letter. Tonight she read me a book about Jacques Cousteau (go figure) and about Mice making Lime Ice (who knew?).

It was awesome! She read sentences like, "Jacques Cousteau made something that could take pictures underwater." I was totally impressed!

This could be the start of something big!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Beware the eyes of March

Speaking of eyes, Haley stepped on her glasses last week. Her $400 glasses. That's $200/eye. As in, "eye eye eye!"

Get it?

So now her glasses are crooked and the lens pops out. The poor girl had them on for 10 minutes yesterday before she realized that the lens was gone. And she was wondering why her eyes hurt.

She may be the first child in history to need Lasik before age 10.

In other news, she is COMPLETELY GROWING UP BEFORE MY EYES and it is happening WAY TOO FAST. Her reading has gotten super good and better (as my grammar gets badder and worse) and she is just a barrel of monkeys to be around.

That is, until 5pm or so. That's when Little Ms. Jeckyl becomes Horrible Ms. Hyde. OMGWTF? If you blink too loud, she'll do a big dramatic sigh and stomp off into her room screaming, "Fine! Whatever! Nobody likes me!"

Then, after dinner at 6, she's back to nice ol' Haley. It's like she goes HULK SMASH for about 20 minutes.

I'm trying to work on her with it. I ask if there's anything I can do (the answer is always, "hug." Not "I need a hug," but simply, "hug."). I tell her she's in control. I ask if blinking too loud is something to BLOW HER STACK about.

I think she knows, but she just hasn't grasped control of those emotions yet.

It makes me fear for puberty. God help us all.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Haley is a cool cat

Haley's been getting up really early this week. I think it started on Monday when Marci had to take Rye to his follow up doctor's appointment. I got up early and made Hay breakfast, then hung out with her before taking her to school.

She seemed to realize, "hey! If I get up a little earlier, I'm not running around trying to get my rear to school like it's on fire!" So, the next few days she got up early, dressed herself, then went about her morning routine. She was done so early that she got to watch a few minutes of TV and just hang out.

Apparently this was a revelation to her or something. She woke up early the next two days, dressed herself first thing, and went about her morning.

Today, it ended. She was up later and this afternoon, right at dinner, as she does sometimes, she melted down. We were able to get it stopped before it got too bad. I put her butt in the shower and that seemed to mellow her out quite a bit.

She sure has been good lately. I gotta remember that when she has her lousy moments. She can't be perfect all the time, I suppose.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Here comes a Haley update

What's new with Haley? It seems she's maturing a little. Her almost daily visits to the Nurse's office appear to be a thing of the past.

She still gets super moody when she's hungry or tired, but it seems to be easier to work with her when that happens.

I was telling someone about Hay recently and said, "She'll be 7 in April."


I could/can barely believe it. My little girl is going to be 7.

Someone make it stop!